This article was written and originally published by Citywire Investment Trust Insider.

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As demographics reshape Asian consumer preferences and patterns, innovative retail models and healthcare businesses are best placed to thrive, according to Adrian Lim and Pruksa Iamthongthong, co-managers of Asia Dragon Trust.

The pair use a broad thematic outline to construct the portfolio around secular growth trends in the region: health and wellness, in a broad consumption sense, is an area of long-term focus, and one that requires careful handling.

‘We’ve identified growth themes in the region: within these, we expect industries to evolve in ways that will provide opportunities for companies that are well run and well managed to optimise gains from the broad trends,’ said Lim.

In Lim’s terminology, health and wellness can include consumer consumption as well as more niche areas such as medical services, drugs and healthcare products. ‘Asia houses great consumer companies as well as a diverse range of leaders in areas such as biotech and medical devices,’ he said.

Amid the recent volatility, however, Asia Dragon Trust’s managers have trimmed some of the fund’s biotech holdings and focused on stocks likely to remain resilient in the face of inflation and potential rate rises.

Overall, the theme is a play on the demographic trends reshaping the region. ‘Asia has a relatively young demographic, with a large proportion of its population under 35. It’s a demographic pyramid where the younger people are coming of age as consumers,’ Lim said.

‘But it’s not just about numbers: across the region, there is growing and more widespread affluence. This growing middle class has greater aspirations and increasingly sophisticated demands. This allows us to identify a wide spectrum of companies that we believe will feed into this sustainable and elevated level of demand. We see this as a theme that will play out over the next two or three decades.’

On the consumption side, the theme includes consumer goods in India. Here, Lim and co-manager Iamthongthong like fast-moving consumer goods company Hindustan Unilever, a listed subsidiary of Unilever that has been operating in India for decades. ‘This means it can draw on international brands, but also understands the local marketplace very well. Its understanding is based on knowledge of local distribution channels, and this has allowed the company to establish one of the most extensive and effective distribution networks in India,’ Lim said.

Products are customised to local demands, which may be unique to South Asia, he said. ‘Hindustan Unilever achieves this via advertising and promotional work that resonates with the local customer base. Products are packaged and delivered in forms that the local consumer can identify with. Over the years, the company has been able to leverage that distribution network alongside its portfolio of international and local brands to make sure it has a resilient business model. Its strong positions in personal care and household products form the core of its business in India.’

In China, the fund is finding diverse opportunities from tourist and travel services, as well as more traditional branded luxury items such as Kweichow Moutai, which produces branded spirits – in particular baijiu, which has limited production and thus is highly sought after.

Although Asia still has world-leading biotech companies, recent volatility has led to the Trust cutting some of its positions. ‘There are many things we would like to buy at the right price but one key position in this area is WuXi Biologics, a drugs and medicine developer and manufacturer that has an extensive presence in China,’ Lim said.

The Trust also holds Hangzhou Tigermed. The company operates clinical research services for local and foreign pharmaceutical and healthcare companies, giving them adequate data to measure the efficacy of their drugs.

‘These two companies form the core of our exposure in the space. Amid the recent volatility, we have looked to trim the portfolio and make it leaner: we think these two ideas will have the strength to weather the current volatility in markets,’ Lim said.

Lim sees choppy waters ahead for markets. At the least, the war in Ukraine is likely to push commodity inflation expectations higher. Even before the war broke out, global rate rises had been expected. ‘Asian markets had been somewhat insulated from inflation, but we expect to see some elements of inflation coming through this year.’

As a result, the Trust’s positions in companies within the health and wellness theme are designed to be resilient in the face of both inflationary pressures and rate rises. ‘All have strong brands and margin resilience. That means that even with rising cost structures – whether they’re structural or cyclical in the shorter term – they should be able to pass on most of the rise in costs to their customers.

‘If they aren’t able to do that, we believe they should at least weather inflationary pressures quite comfortably because their operating margins are relatively healthy.’

Companies selected for illustrative purposes only to demonstrate the investment management style described herein and not as an investment recommendation or indication of future performance.

Important information

Risk factors you should consider prior to investing:

  • The value of investments, and the income from them, can go down as well as up and investors may get back less than the amount invested.
  • Past performance is not a guide to future results.
  • Investment in the Company may not be appropriate for investors who plan to withdraw their money within 5 years.
  • The Company may borrow to finance further investment (gearing). The use of gearing is likely to lead to volatility in the Net Asset Value (NAV) meaning that any movement in the value of the company’s assets will result in a magnified movement in the NAV.
  • The Company may accumulate investment positions which represent more than normal trading volumes which may make it difficult to realise investments and may lead to volatility in the market price of the Company’s shares.
  • Movements in exchange rates will impact on both the level of income received and the capital value of your investment.
  • There is no guarantee that the market price of the Company’s shares will fully reflect their underlying Net Asset Value.
  • As with all stock exchange investments the value of the Company’s shares purchased will immediately fall by the difference between the buying and selling prices, the bid-offer spread. If trading volumes fall, the bid-offer spread can widen.
  • The Company invests in emerging markets which tend to be more volatile than mature markets and the value of your investment could move sharply up or down.
  • Yields are estimated figures and may fluctuate, there are no guarantees that future dividends will match or exceed historic dividends and certain investors may be subject to further tax on dividends

Other important information

Issued by Aberdeen Asset Managers Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the United Kingdom. Registered Office: 10 Queen’s Terrace, Aberdeen AB10 1XL. Registered in Scotland No. 108419. An investment trust should be considered only as part of a balanced portfolio.

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